Monday, May 12, 2014

Application of Physics #2


      Centripetal force is the force that acts on an object moving in a circular path and is directed toward the center around which the body is moving. The arm rotates in that circular motion when the counterweight drops and the sling rotate around end of the shorter arm. This force will increase the acceleration of the object being flung. Also another force that is working on the catapult is gravitational force on the counterweight, the counterweight falls due to gravity, if it were not there than the arm would not rotate and the balloon would not be slung. Also there are a couple forces acting upon the arm of the trebuchet, the counterweight and the mass of the balloon. The distance of where the rod that holds the arm up rotates will affect the force of the trebuchet. This means that the angle of the rod compared to the arm matters.
   A way to modify the centripetal force is by elongating the sling by increasing the distance it travels around the shorter arm. Another modification is to change the gravitational force by increasing the mass of the counterweight, which will in turn increase the acceleration of the balloon. To modify those forces acting upon the trebuchet one would place the rod in a 0-90 degree angle.

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